

We went out shopping looking specifically for Valentine’s Day themed wall art that would blend with our style and décor. Guess what? Either we were looking in all the wrong places for artwork OR we are a couple of cheapskates! We can’t justify shelling out gobs of money for something that won’t be used all year long and isn’t exactly what we wanted anyway.

So, guess what we decided to do? We broke out the craft paints, grabbed a canvas, made some letters on a word document and started creating!

We’ll walk you through the steps we took to make our one of a kind Valentine’s Day canvas.

Using Word, we chose a font we liked, typed a single letter and increased the font size to 750. We did that for each of the four letters L, O, V, E.

Then we printed them and cut each one out.

Now, it’s time to play! And seriously, that’s what we did. We aren’t artists at all! We literally squirted four different paint colors on a paper plate and started mixing, dabbing, brushing and smearing until the background of the canvas looked good enough to us!

We laid the four letters out on the canvas and traced each one with a pencil. No measuring, we just eyeballed it. Basic stuff here, friends.

After each letter was traced, we just started filling in the letters with black paint. We weren’t super careful about staying in the lines either. Seriously, we just painted each letter and kind of dry brushed the edges to make it look less perfect. Make sense?

That was it! It probably took longer to cut out the four letters than it did to paint the entire canvas. From start to finish this little art project took about 45 minutes. Not bad for some non-artists on a tiny budget!

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