• Recipes

    Summer Dinner Party

    An impromptu Summer Dinner Party doesn’t have to be stressful and make you feel like you’re losing your marbles.  Now, I say that and I LOVE cooking and entertaining and throwing a party. But seriously, there’s no need to go crazy and feel like you can’t whip something up at a moment’s notice. All you need is about an hour and a half and you, too can throw a quick dinner for your friends!  I quickly gathered a tray from our family room to corral things on the table. Cloth napkins (that weren’t even ironed – they looked casual and relaxed just the way the were), some bowls for the…

  • Uncategorized

    Peach Pie

    Peach Pie No question about it, Summer fruits are my favorite. But, there’s one that stands out above allllllllll the others and that’s the peach. Goodness gracious, I dream about them when they aren’t in season and when they finally reach their peak, I’m in drippy, juicy peach heaven! Give me peach salsa, peaches in my salad, my mom’s peach cobbler, peach butter, peach preserves on toast, peach cake – just give me ALL the peaches! And since we’re in the height of peach season right now, it was time to make something with the local, sweet, fragrant peaches I had on hand. Let’s make a peach pie, friends! I…

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  • Fall

    Pumpkin Floral Arrangement

    Those gorgeous pumpkin or gourd arrangements that are so popular during October and especially November, for Thanksgiving centerpieces, are easier to make yourself than you might think. We wanted to give ourselves the challenge of making one with a budget of $20. Well, we ended up a little bit over budget by just $3, but for a grand total of $23, that seemed pretty darn good to us, don’t you think? We headed to Trader Joe’s because let’s face it, their prices can’t be beat, especially in the floral department. And they had a huge bin of unique pumpkins and gourds of all sizes for $6. Yes, you read that…

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  • Craft


    We went out shopping looking specifically for Valentine’s Day themed wall art that would blend with our style and décor. Guess what? Either we were looking in all the wrong places for artwork OR we are a couple of cheapskates! We can’t justify shelling out gobs of money for something that won’t be used all year long and isn’t exactly what we wanted anyway. So, guess what we decided to do? We broke out the craft paints, grabbed a canvas, made some letters on a word document and started creating! We’ll walk you through the steps we took to make our one of a kind Valentine’s Day canvas. Using Word,…

  • Tablescape

    Rustic Winter Tablescape

    When I was a little girl, my brother and I had the chore of setting and clearing the dinner table. We’d take turns between the two and sometimes I’d try and convince him to help me when it was my turn to clear the table – that was my least favorite (his, too) and for the record, he rarely took me up on it! But, when it was my turn to set the table, I was in my glory. That was, and still is today, my favorite part. If you know me personally, we’ve probably had a conversation about how much I love styling tables and that if I could…

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